I have multiple email accounts. Its pretty common for someone to have an account they use for their personal communications and one for their professional communications.
For the longest time my personal email signature has been:
Dusten Lee Harward
“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen. Not only because I see it, but because I see everything by it.” C.S. Lewis.
Being a marketing professional I have always felt that your email signature should be used to say something about who you are and give the recipient a way to connect with you.
So for a business email address it’s a great way to display your company logo, contact information, and a few links to your social media profiles. That way if the person you are emailing is a client or vender then they can follow you and have a way to leave you a review.
On a more personal side I thought I could put something in there that allowed someone to look into the window of my life for a brief moment and possibly understand me a little more.
This quote has been really important to me for a long time. As you should already know I am a Christian. I have always looked at life through the light of scripture.
“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen. Not only because I see it, but because I see everything by it.”
What quote defines the way you think about the world? Would you be willing to put that in your email signature?