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I have recently taken the position as Technical Director for our church. I love the opportunity to take my skills as a technician and be able to use them to serve My Creator. I serve with a team of people that are passionate about what they do on a weekly basis and give their hearts for the Gospel.

While it may not always seem like turning on a piece of equipment or plugging up a microphone is directly a ministry effort, when you are doing it to enable others to present to gospel and share God’s grace and Christ’s story to a congregation you are a part of a much larger effort.

What happens on the stage here has a HUGE impact to everyone that attends out church. Because someone connected that microphone someone else is able to use that microphone to share the love of God. Our congregation is able to focus on worship, or focus on what is being taught rather than focus on what’s not working properly. Any kind of small issue or distraction can play a role in what a person hears while sitting in the congregation. If a mic has a ringing sound to it, or if a light is not functioning properly then people can begin to focus on those small issues looking for the distractions instead of focusing on what is being taught.

On an additional note here in Charlotte we have a number of jobs and careers that do performance arts, music, and teaching and they have a much higher expectation of quality. They do it for their job every day and if there are constantly issues the it plays a role in how they think about our church.

Our goal as a production team is to create an environment with as few distractions as possible, that has artistic expression and a professional quality to enable our church to share the gospel.

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Who Am I?

I am a creative technical artist and I happen to work for a Church in what I would define as my dream job. I love what God has blessed me with and love to be able to share what I have learned over the 25 years that I have served in ministry.

Here is some of my
personal contact info
if you want to reach out.

Dusten Harward
T: +1 704-431-3851